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Category: Security


Bridging the gap: How data governance unites business and IT

March 11, 2024 by Christopher McNaughton
In an era where data is the new gold, the synergy between business…
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An interview with data governance expert, Nicholas Gontscharow - Protecting your data: Innovative strategies in the modern world

March 4, 2024 by Christopher McNaughton
Interviewer: Christopher McNaughton Guest: Nicholas Gontscharow, Data Governance Expert Summary of Interview In…
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Your car is monitoring you. How do you protect yourself

February 19, 2024 by Christopher McNaughton
In the era of smart technology, the line between convenience and privacy has…
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Insider Risk Case study: Data leakage hidden behind a family recipe

January 22, 2024 by Christopher McNaughton
Background A notable organisation was grappling with insider risk issues. Previous incidents confirmed…
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Understanding Insider Risk: A Comprehensive Overview

January 1, 2024 by Christopher McNaughton
In the intricate web of organisational security, insider risk emerges as a pivotal…
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Cloud Computing and Data Sovereignty: Navigating the Complex Landscape Under Australian Privacy Laws

December 25, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In an era where digital transformation dictates the pace of business, cloud computing…
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Embracing Insider Risk Management: The Blueprint for a Secure Future

December 20, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In today's digital age, the significance of insider risk management cannot be overstated.…
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The Integral Role of Dashboards in Mitigating Insider Threats

December 18, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In the digital age, organisations are increasingly vulnerable to insider threats, a perilous…
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Navigating the maze of insider risk: A strategic approach for CISO’s

December 6, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) find themselves…
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In-depth analysis of insider risks in defence and intelligence industries

November 29, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In the ever-evolving landscape of national security and defence, organizations operating within high-stakes…
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