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Unmask the 
Threats Within:

Protect Your Business with the ShadowSight Data Leakage Prevention & Insider Risk Management
ShadowSight combines behaviour analytics, SEIM and an integrated workflow to dynamically protect your business without the need for expensive and ongoing professional services
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Business context and risk-based analytics

Use business and risk-based context to improve analysis and seamlessly detect unsanctioned activities, while ensuring legitimate operations continue without interruption
Our insider risk analysis engine reviews staff activity for risky behaviour such as data leakage
Report non-compliant activities in near real-time to guide employees towards compliance

How it works

Most alerts result from widespread lack of policy awareness among employees. By addressing these issues, we are left with a small number of residual alerts. Ultimately the security culture of the company is strengthened
Concerning activity
The scale of the organisation is leveraged by sending concerning events to managers or staff members themselves, reducing the impact on security teams.
Known good activity
ShadowSight provides a one click process for filtering out known good activity, which removes the need for expensive professional services
Enhanced monitoring
Shadowsight provides an easy to use capability to enhance monitoring for known risky activities which will put the organisation at risk.

Start connecting your data

ShadowSight Features and Benefits

ShadowSight Capability
Alert Management
Noise reduction
The typical ongoing alert 'noise' which exists in the majority of alerting platforms does not exist in ShadowSight. By identifying large scale lack of policy awareness by employees and systemic failures a small number of residual alerts remain to be addressed.
Known good activity
ShadowSight provides a one click process for filtering out known good activity, which removes the need for expensive professional services
Enhanced monitoring
Shadowsight provides an easy to use capability to enhance monitoring for known risky activities which will put the organisation at risk.
Built in workflow?
The built in workflow integrates seamlessly with business processes
Detection Features
Contextual analysis
ShadowSight uses both event and contextual information to assess and score risks
Behavioural analysis
ShadowSight assesses multi activities to understand staff behaviour patterns
Data Leakage and Insider Risk Prevention
Email, USB & NAS Devices, Cloud uploads & External networks
Comprehensive detection of leakage of sensitive information and intellectual property
Integration with existing log sources
ShadowSight is implemented in days not weeks
ShadowSight endpoint agent
The ShadowSight agent provides very significant visibility into staff activity
Enhanced Data Sovereignty
Data is stored and managed within your geographic region
Optimized Performance
Local implementation results in faster response times and improved service speed
Localized Data Compliance
Adherence to regional data protection regulations
Private cloud
Scales across any size organisation globally
The built in workflow feature combines with the ease of filtering known good activity means ShadowSight scales across any size organisation globally with ease
As ShadowSight is a SaaS platform the infrastructure scales with the needs of the organisation
Professional services available
After initial implementation it is rare any professional services are required. Most issues are solved with a short phone call
Normally one or two hours of training is all an analyst needs to be fully proficient in the ShadowSight platform
The organisation sees a dramatic culture change in the security culture and risk posture
Changes in staff behaviour
As 99% of undesirable activity is not malicious when staff are notified about non compliant activity changes to staff behaviour are immidiate with very few repeat violations
Systemic issues
In the first few weeks after implementation systemic risky organisational processes are often identified resulting in a significant decrease in risk
Security awareness
Shadowsight effectively provides a near real time security awareness campaign which is timely and relevant for staff, as opposed to the annual security awareness campaign which can sometimes be seen as not relevant
Cost efficiency
ShadowSight is a subscription based platform based on the number of staff in an organisation. ShadowSight transforms the cybersecurity landscape by consolidating data leakage prevention and SIEM tools, significantly reducing costs and enhancing security effectiveness
Return on investment (ROI)
ROI is normally seen within a month
Enhances compliance with regulation
Privacy Act 1988 (Australia)
Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme (Australia)
APRA Prudential Standard CPS 234 (Australia)
My Health Records Act 2012 (Australia)
California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) (US, California)
Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) (Canada)
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS)
Corporations Act 2001 (Australia)
Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA) (Australia)
Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) Guidelines (Australia)
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Act (Australia)

Contact us

Get in touch for a free consultation and demo. We’ll explore your business context and show how ShadowSight uses this to keep your data safe from internal mismanagement and attack.
