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Category: Regulation


Cross-Border Data Flows: Navigating Challenges and Regulatory Requirements for Australian Organisations

April 15, 2024 by Christopher McNaughton
In an era where data is as valuable as currency, the flow of…
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Compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPS): Navigating the Legal Landscape

April 8, 2024 by Christopher McNaughton
In the digital age, the protection of personal information has never been more…
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The ABC of implementing an Insider Risk Program

October 30, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
Implementing an insider risk program is a critical aspect of modern data governance…
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The imperative of the Australian Security of Critical Infrastructure (SOCI) act 2018 - Emphasising the importance of insider threat management.

October 9, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
The Australian Security of Critical Infrastructure (SOCI) Act 2018 was designed to safeguard…
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The hidden peril of employee disengagement: "don't get even, get lazy"

October 2, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In any workplace, conflict is inevitable; it's a natural outcome of diverse personalities,…
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Insider risk associated with junior staff access to sensitive customer information.

June 26, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In the era of information-driven businesses, safeguarding customer information has become paramount. However,…
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Raising the bar - Australian privacy legislation introduces stricter rules and harsher penalties.

June 12, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In the era of rapid digitalisation, where data is a valuable asset, organisations…
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What are the dangers of insider risk in the finance industry?

March 6, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
The finance industry plays a vital role in the global economy, managing vast…
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