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Category: CISO


Redefining cybersecurity training - How insider risk detection is revolutionising employee awareness

December 4, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, traditional methods of employee training, such as…
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The Pentagon leak case of 2023: A lesson in insider risk management

November 27, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In early 2023, the Pentagon faced a significant security breach, a stark reminder…
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The looming threat: State-sponsored attacks and insider risks across industries

November 6, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In today's interconnected world, the landscape of cyber threats has evolved dramatically. State-sponsored…
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The imperative of insider risk management in the manufacturing industry

November 1, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In the realm of the manufacturing industry, the spectre of insider risks looms…
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Redefining cybersecurity training: How insider risk detection is revolutionising employee awareness

October 26, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, traditional methods of employee training, such as…
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Navigating the maze of insider risk: A strategic approach for CISO’s

October 19, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) find themselves…
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Digital data hoarding: the risks of accumulating too much data in the cloud

October 18, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
The digital age has revolutionised the way we store and manage data. With…
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What gets measured gets managed - The imperative of implementing an insider risk management program.

October 16, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In the age of escalating cyber threats and rapidly evolving technology, corporations are…
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Does your company operate with inaccurate or incomplete data? Of course it does, most do. This article explores how it is holding your company back and what you should do about it.

October 11, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
Data governance plays a pivotal role in modern organisations by ensuring the quality,…
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Enhancing regulatory compliance through effective data governance

October 4, 2023 by Christopher McNaughton
In today's digital era, organisations across various industries face a multitude of regulatory…
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