In the digital age, data is the lifeblood of any organisation. To ensure seamless operations, companies rely on highly skilled professionals known as Database Administrators (DBAs). These individuals are responsible for managing, organising, and securing vast amounts of sensitive information stored in databases. While DBAs play a critical role in maintaining data integrity and availability, they also represent an insider risk that could jeopardise the very organisation they serve. This article explores the potential risks that database administrators pose to organisations and the measures that can be taken to mitigate these threats.

Understanding the Role of Database Administrators

Database Administrators are skilled IT professionals with in-depth knowledge of database systems, such as SQL, Oracle, MySQL, or MongoDB. Their responsibilities encompass database design, implementation, configuration, monitoring, performance tuning, and data backup and recovery. In addition to these technical aspects, DBAs often have elevated privileges, granting them unrestricted access to sensitive data and administrative controls.

What are the Insider Risks Posed by DBA’s

Access Control and Data Exposure

Perhaps the most significant risk posed by database administrators is their access to sensitive information. They have the ability to view, modify, and delete data within the organisation's databases. While the vast majority of DBAs are trustworthy and act with integrity, a few bad actors or disgruntled employees could abuse their privileges for personal gain or malicious intent.

Unauthorised data access can lead to severe consequences, such as intellectual property theft, confidential information leaks, or insider trading. Organisations must implement strict access controls, regularly audit database activities, and enforce the principle of least privilege to minimise the potential for data exposure.

Data Manipulation and Fraud

Database administrators hold immense power over the organisation's data, and this power can be misused for fraudulent purposes. They can manipulate data to conceal financial discrepancies, falsify records, or even create ghost employees for payroll fraud. In such instances, detecting the manipulation can be challenging, as the individuals responsible are often well-versed in covering their tracks.

To counteract this risk, organisations should implement segregation of duties, where different administrators handle specific aspects of database management, preventing a single individual from having complete control over critical processes. Additionally, regular and independent audits should be conducted to identify anomalies and potential instances of fraud.

Sabotage and Data Destruction

Another alarming insider risk is the potential for database administrators to intentionally cause harm to the organisation. Whether it's out of resentment, revenge, or financial gain, malicious insiders can sabotage databases or delete critical data, causing significant disruptions to business operations.

To protect against this type of risk, organisations must implement robust disaster recovery and data backup solutions. Regular backups, stored securely, can minimise the impact of data loss caused by intentional actions. Access controls should also be closely monitored and enforced to prevent unauthorised activities.

Espionage and Intellectual Property Theft

Competing organisations or threat actors might attempt to recruit or manipulate database administrators to steal intellectual property or proprietary information. With their extensive knowledge of the organisation's database infrastructure, DBAs can facilitate data breaches and unauthorised access, leading to significant financial losses and reputational damage.

Organisations should conduct thorough background checks before hiring DBAs and foster a culture of loyalty and ethical behaviour. Additionally, educating employees about the importance of data security and the potential consequences of insider threats can help create a vigilant workforce that reports suspicious activities promptly.

Insider Trading and Compliance Violations

In regulated industries such as finance and healthcare, database administrators have access to sensitive information that, if misused, can lead to insider trading or compliance violations. Insiders with access to non-public information can use it for personal financial gain or manipulate data to evade compliance regulations, potentially leading to hefty fines and legal actions against the organisation.

To prevent such risks, organisations must implement robust monitoring and reporting mechanisms, ensuring that any suspicious activities are detected and reported promptly. Regular security awareness training for employees, including DBAs, is crucial to emphasise the importance of compliance and ethical conduct.

Ongoing Monitoring - A Key Risk Migitation Strategy

Detecting Anomalous Behaviour:

Monitoring the activities of database administrators allows organisations to establish a baseline of normal behaviour. Any deviation from this baseline can raise red flags and prompt further investigation. For example, a sudden increase in data access or an attempt to access unauthorised data could be indicative of malicious intent. Ongoing monitoring ensures that any abnormal activities are promptly detected, and appropriate actions can be taken before significant damage occurs.

Identifying Insider Threats:

Not all insider threats are intentional; some may arise from unintentional mistakes or negligence. By continuously monitoring database administrators' actions, organisations can identify patterns of behaviour that might indicate unintentional insider risks. For instance, repeated failed login attempts or unintentional exposure of sensitive data can be addressed through additional training and education, reducing the likelihood of accidental data breaches.

Early Detection of Malicious Intent:

Database administrators with malicious intent may attempt to fly under the radar by carefully planning their actions. Regular monitoring provides a continuous surveillance system that helps catch insider threats early in their planning stages. Detecting and addressing potential malicious intent at an early stage can prevent significant damage to data and systems, as well as potential financial losses and reputational damage.

Mitigating Privilege Abuse:

Database administrators often have elevated privileges to perform their duties effectively. However, these privileges can also be exploited for nefarious purposes. Ongoing monitoring allows organisations to keep track of privilege usage and identify any misuse. For example, if a DBA begins accessing sensitive data unrelated to their responsibilities or makes unauthorised changes to critical configurations, monitoring systems can raise alerts, prompting immediate action.

Aligning with Compliance Requirements:

Many industries, such as finance, healthcare, and government, are subject to stringent regulatory compliance requirements. Ongoing monitoring of database administrators helps organisations meet these compliance standards by ensuring that access controls, data handling procedures, and security protocols are consistently followed. Compliance violations can lead to severe consequences, including fines and legal actions, making ongoing monitoring crucial in maintaining adherence to regulatory requirements.

Creating a Deterrent:

Implementing ongoing monitoring sends a clear message to all employees, including DBAs, that the organisation takes security seriously and actively monitors for any potential threats. This awareness can act as a deterrent, discouraging employees from engaging in malicious activities, as they know their actions are being closely scrutinised.

Enhancing Incident Response Capabilities:

In the unfortunate event of a security breach or an insider threat incident, ongoing monitoring data can prove invaluable in incident response and forensic investigations. The collected data can help reconstruct the sequence of events, understand the scope of the breach, and identify the individuals involved. This information is crucial for taking appropriate action, implementing remediation measures, and preventing future incidents.

In Summary

Database administrators play a vital role in the smooth functioning of organisations, but their privileged access to sensitive data makes them a significant insider risk. The potential consequences of malicious actions by DBAs can be severe, ranging from data breaches and financial fraud to reputation damage and legal consequences. Organisations must adopt a comprehensive approach to mitigate insider risks posed by database administrators. This includes implementing strict access controls, segregating duties, conducting regular audits, fostering a culture of security and ethics, and investing in robust disaster recovery and data backup solutions. By recognising the potential risks and proactively addressing them, organisations can better protect their sensitive data and safeguard their operations from insider threats.

Christopher McNaughton

Strategic Advisor, ShadowSight

Who is Christopher McNaughton

Chris is a proficient problem solver with a strategic aptitude for anticipating and addressing potential business issues, particularly in areas such as Insider Threat, Data Governance, Digital Forensics, Workplace Investigations, and Cyber Security. He thrives on turning intricate challenges into opportunities for increased efficiency, offering pragmatic solutions derived from a practical and realistic approach.

Starting his career as a law enforcement Detective, Chris transitioned to multinational organisations where he specialised and excelled in Cyber Security, proving his authority in the field. Even under demanding circumstances, his commitment to delivering exceptional results remains unwavering, underpinned by his extraordinary ability to understand both cyber and business problems swiftly, along with a deep emphasis on active listening.

What is ShadowSight

ShadowSight is an innovative insider risk staff monitoring tool that proactively guards your business against internal threats and safeguards vital data from unauthorised access and malicious activities. We offer a seamless integration with your current systems, boosting regulatory compliance while providing unparalleled visibility into non-compliant activities to reinforce a secure digital environment. By prioritising actionable intelligence, ShadowSight not only mitigates insider threats but also fosters a culture of proactive risk management, significantly simplifying your compliance process without the overwhelming burden of false positives.




