In any workplace, conflict is inevitable; it's a natural outcome of diverse personalities, goals, and responsibilities coming together under one roof. However, what occurs post-conflict can be a determinant of organisational health. An increasingly common yet insidious phenomenon is the concept of "Don't Get Even, Get Lazy." Employees who adopt this stance may feel wronged or mistreated within their work environment and retaliate, not with confrontation, but with apathy and reduced productivity. While it may seem like a less harmful form of resistance, the ripple effects can be disastrous for an organisation.

The Implications for Productivity

When an employee decides to "get lazy," their productivity plummets, which is detrimental to team outcomes and the overall goals of the organisation. Tasks are either left unfinished or take longer to complete. The quality of work deteriorates as enthusiasm wanes. In competitive markets where each edge counts, a disengaged employee could be the weak link that costs a project, a client, or even worse, industry reputation.

The Inevitable Departure and the Damage Done

Employees who are disengaged will almost certainly leave the organisation at some point. However, their period of disengagement leading up to their exit can be corrosive. During this time, they may leak sensitive information, either accidentally due to carelessness or intentionally as a form of retaliation. They may also disrupt the workflow, create bottlenecks, and sow discord among colleagues, which in turn impacts morale and efficiency.

The Domino Effect on Other Employees

The unproductivity of one employee does not go unnoticed by others. Team members who bear witness to this decline may feel aggrieved, as they're left to pick up the slack. This imbalance in workload can lead to further disengagement, setting off a chain reaction that deteriorates the overall working atmosphere and impacts collective productivity.

The Imperative of Proactive Employee Monitoring

Given the hidden risks and the cascading consequences, organisations must give due importance to employee productivity monitoring. Systems that track performance metrics, workflow disruptions, and other key performance indicators can act as an early warning system for detecting disengagement. However, it's not just about policing employees but also about identifying areas for improvement and possible triggers for dissatisfaction.

Balancing Privacy and Management

As we step into a future fuelled by data, organisations need to strike a careful balance between employee privacy and efficient staff management. Monitoring should never become surveillance; rather, it should serve as a tool for performance enhancement that benefits both the individual and the organisation. Clear policies and transparent communication are essential in ensuring that monitoring is ethical, fair, and aligned with organisational objectives.

In Summary

The phenomenon of "Don't Get Even, Get Lazy" is a warning signal that calls for immediate organisational introspection. As much as it reflects on the individual employee, it also casts light on systemic failures that allow for such attitudes to foster. By recognising the signs early through proactive employee monitoring and taking steps to re-engage staff, organisations can mitigate the risks and costs associated with disengaged employees. Failure to address this issue is not an option; it's a ticking time bomb that can implode an organisation from the inside out.

Christopher McNaughton

Strategic Advisor, ShadowSight

Who is Christopher McNaughton

Chris is a proficient problem solver with a strategic aptitude for anticipating and addressing potential business issues, particularly in areas such as Insider Threat, Data Governance, Digital Forensics, Workplace Investigations, and Cyber Security. He thrives on turning intricate challenges into opportunities for increased efficiency, offering pragmatic solutions derived from a practical and realistic approach.

Starting his career as a law enforcement Detective, Chris transitioned to multinational organisations where he specialised and excelled in Cyber Security, proving his authority in the field. Even under demanding circumstances, his commitment to delivering exceptional results remains unwavering, underpinned by his extraordinary ability to understand both cyber and business problems swiftly, along with a deep emphasis on active listening.

What is ShadowSight

ShadowSight is an innovative insider risk staff monitoring tool that proactively guards your business against internal threats and safeguards vital data from unauthorised access and malicious activities. We offer a seamless integration with your current systems, boosting regulatory compliance while providing unparalleled visibility into non-compliant activities to reinforce a secure digital environment. By prioritising actionable intelligence, ShadowSight not only mitigates insider threats but also fosters a culture of proactive risk management, significantly simplifying your compliance process without the overwhelming burden of false positives.




