
As the digital landscape evolves, the regulatory framework surrounding data privacy in Australia is poised for significant updates. The Australian Privacy Act, a cornerstone in the protection of personal information, is set to undergo changes that will impact all regulated entities, particularly those in heavily regulated industries such as finance, insurance, and healthcare sectors where sensitive customer information is paramount. This paper aims to provide CEOs of these organisations with a comprehensive understanding of the probable forthcoming changes, emphasising the importance of sensitive data management, data leakage prevention, and insider risk mitigation.

Enhanced Security Obligations


The updated Privacy Act will require regulated entities to adopt measures that protect personal information more rigorously. This includes both enhanced security practices and clear protocols for data destruction, as guided by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

Implications for Regulated Sectors

Organisations in finance, healthcare, and insurance hold vast amounts of sensitive data, making them prime targets for cyberattacks. Strengthening data protection practices not only complies with regulatory requirements but also builds trust with customers who are increasingly concerned about their privacy.

Importance for CEOs

For CEOs, this means prioritising data protection at the strategic level. Ensuring that your organisation is well-prepared to meet these enhanced obligations is critical. This could involve allocating resources to improve data security infrastructure, fostering a culture of privacy within the organisation, and staying informed about the latest regulatory guidelines.

Breach Notification


A new mandate will introduce a mandatory 72-hour notification period for data breaches, aligning with international standards such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This ensures prompt response to breaches, minimising potential harm to customers.

Sector Implications

Organisations which hold sensitive customer information must be prepared to quickly identify and report breaches due to the high volume of sensitive data they handle. Failing to meet the notification requirements can result in substantial penalties and damage to the organisation’s reputation.

Importance for CEOs

CEOs must ensure their organisations are equipped to detect and respond to data breaches promptly. This includes having clear procedures in place and ensuring that key personnel are trained to handle breach notifications efficiently. The ability to respond swiftly not only minimises regulatory penalties but also helps maintain customer trust.

Automated Decision-Making Transparency


Organisations must now include details of personal information used in substantially automated decisions in their privacy policies. Individuals will have the right to request information on how these decisions are made and their impact.

Impact on Finance and Insurance

Automated decision-making is prevalent in finance and insurance sectors, particularly in areas like loan approvals and insurance underwriting. Transparency in these processes ensures accountability and builds customer trust.

Importance for CEOs

For CEOs, it is essential to ensure that your organisation’s privacy policies are transparent about automated decision-making processes. This transparency not only complies with regulatory requirements but also enhances customer confidence in your services.

Children’s Privacy


The establishment of a Children’s Online Privacy Code and the definition of a child as under 18 years old introduce stricter controls and protections for data related to minors.

Vigilance for Healthcare Providers

Healthcare providers, in particular, must be vigilant in handling minors' data, ensuring compliance with these enhanced protections to avoid severe penalties and maintain trust.

Importance for CEOs

CEOs must ensure that their organisations are compliant with the new protections for children’s data. This might involve reviewing and updating existing policies and procedures to align with the new requirements and ensuring staff are trained on these enhanced protections.

Removal of Exemptions


The agreed in-principal removal of the small business exemption means that all businesses, regardless of size, will be subject to the Privacy Act. This change will significantly impact smaller entities within the regulated sectors that were previously exempt.

Impact on Smaller Entities

Smaller entities must now allocate resources to ensure compliance, which could involve significant operational changes and potential financial investments.

Importance for CEOs

CEOs of smaller entities must be proactive in understanding the new compliance requirements and integrating them into their operations. This could involve seeking external advice and investing in staff training to ensure compliance across the organisation.

Right to Erasure and De-Indexing


The updated Privacy Act expands data subject rights to include the right to request erasure of personal information and de-indexing of online search results.

Relevance to Healthcare and Insurance

For the finance, healthcare and insurance sectors, this provision allows individuals to control their digital footprint, ensuring outdated or incorrect information is removed promptly, which is crucial for maintaining accurate records and customer trust.

Importance for CEOs

CEOs need to ensure their organisations are prepared to handle requests for erasure and de-indexing of information. This involves having clear processes in place to respond to such requests efficiently and ensuring that these processes are communicated to all relevant staff.

Statutory Tort for Privacy


The introduction of a statutory tort for serious invasions of privacy allows individuals to sue for intentional and reckless privacy breaches.

Impact on Regulated Organisations

This new provision increases the legal risks for organisations handling sensitive data. Compliance is not only a regulatory requirement but a legal necessity to avoid costly lawsuits and damage to the organisation’s reputation.

Importance for CEOs

CEOs must prioritise privacy compliance to mitigate legal risks. This involves ensuring that privacy policies are robust, regularly reviewed, and that the organisation is proactive in preventing breaches. Legal compliance should be integrated into the overall risk management strategy of the organisation.

In Summary

The future changes to the Australian Privacy Act will impose stricter obligations on organisations, particularly those in finance, insurance, and healthcare sectors. As CEOs of regulated entities, it is imperative to understand and prepare for these changes. Emphasising sensitive data management, data leakage prevention, and insider risk mitigation will be crucial in navigating the evolving regulatory landscape.

Investing in robust data protection mechanisms, transparent privacy practices, and comprehensive employee training will not only ensure compliance but also enhance customer trust and organisational resilience. By proactively addressing these changes, organisations can turn regulatory challenges into opportunities for strengthening their data protection frameworks and building a culture of privacy and security.

While these changes may seem daunting, they also present an opportunity to reassess and improve data management practices. Embracing these updates with a proactive and informed approach will position organisations to better protect their sensitive information and maintain compliance in an increasingly stringent regulatory environment. By focusing on the outlined changes and implementing the best practices discussed, CEOs can lead their organisations through this transitional period with confidence, ensuring that they not only comply with the new regulations but also set a benchmark for data privacy and protection in their respective industries.